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  • Jane Bliss


Updated: Oct 22, 2020

Neuroplasticity is considered to be one of the most important discoveries of neuroscience. It is the science of the brain's ability to rewire and reorganise itself, both physically and functionally, throughout an individuals life due to experiences, thinking and emotions. Great news! Our brains potential is not set at birth. Advances using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has allowed us to ‘see’ into the brain and science has now confirmed beyond a doubt the incredible morphing ability of the brain.

It has been shown that by practising meditation and mindfulness it is possible to healthily increase the strength, size, and density of our brains just as physical training makes muscles stronger, denser, with more endurance. The implications of this finding are immense, with meditation being the frontrunner as the very best brain exercise. Studies have revealed that experienced meditators have a thicker cortex than non-meditators. The areas of the brain showing most improvement areas associated with focus and attention, interoception and sensory processing, that is, how the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into behavioural responses.

Further studies have demonstrated that mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density. Participation in an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme resulted in increased grey matter in the left hippocampus left; a brain area strongly involved in learning and memory.

So, just like your bicep, you can beneficially increase the physical size & strength of your brain in a super healthy & natural way just by practicing meditation. The benefits are limitless as you increase your memory, creativity, mental alertness, concentration, and learning ability. It's never to late to start!

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